Escape2EU: mapping best practices around Europe

May 17, 2024

Life in Europe is anything but boring. It is culture, progress, innovation, values, equality and ­–not least– opportunity. And that is what our project ESCAPE2EU is all about.

As Europeans, we enjoy the benefits of democracy and prosperity and might think this is a universal way of life. Unfortunately, we are surrounded by political turmoil, economical struggle, and humanitarian crises in many parts of the world, reminding us our privileges should not be given for granted.

Today, most European countries are dealing with large-scale migratory flows from many fronts and are studying strategies to manage sand host o many people. This is not an easy task, nor for governments who are trying to balance the world’s humanitarian crises, nor for citizens who are welcoming newcomers in their neighborhoods.

A core aspect in this historical moment is understanding the profound implications this may have on societies and their individuals. The friendly interaction among people from other cultures is not inborn but can be achieved. It requires knowing about each other’s backgrounds and culture. It requires empathy and willingness to be open to diversity and be able see its value.

And that is where the Escape2EU project comes into play, joining forces among its European partners (project leader Asociatia ProXper,  and partners Citizen-act and Fondazione Toscna Sostenibile) to develop tools that can foster inclusion, learning, and interaction among younger generations.

Specifically, the project will develop “a new inclusive and sustainable set of on- and off-line tools that will promote the EU values, language learning and inter-cultural competences based on participatory gamification procedures. A co-design methodology will be employed throughout each project phase to ensure inclusive participation and continuous collaboration with the target groups”.

With project assignemnts having kicked-off in early summer, the project team members are ready  to share their first task results, mapping the best practices around Europe (initiatives, events, and associations) in the setting of Youth with migrant or disadvantaged background and Youth workers.

Don’t miss the upcoming launch!

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