Due to the massive presence of young migrants and refugees in Italya and all around UE, the necessity to establish real bonds for real social integration seems to be ineludable. This is why based on our consciences and thanks to EU porjectualities we are able and proud to introduce, together with our partner from Rumania and Cyprus, the Escape2EU project seeking to foster the social integration of young migrants as well as enhancing language learning and intercultural competences amongst youth workers through physical escape rooms.
Belowe you can read the specific objectives of our project:
- To promote intercultural dialogue between young people and youth workers, which will reinforce the civic engagement and participation of both groups in society.
- To prevent social exclusion, marginalisation and low learning opportunities of youth with migrant background due to low linguistic skills in the host country language or a low understanding of the culture, and to promote direct interaction of young people with migrant background with the local society through common activities which will eliminate stereotypes and promote empathy and understanding between cultures.
- To promote the quality of youth work by enhancing youth workers’ knowledge and skills in intercultural competences, digital storytelling, and language learning and provide them with tools and resources to effectively support and engage with migrant youth.
- To introduce new innovative, engaging and challenging methodologies/tools through gamification (physical escape rooms) that will promote problem-solving, reflection and empathy.
Thanks to the achievement of those objectives we have proceed to the main results of the project:
- a physical escape room game based on real stories shared between native youth and youth with migrant background collected during the WORLD STORYTELLING CAFES. This game promotes the European values, inter-cultural competences, as well as, language learning of the hosting country;
- an online interactive mapping tool that presents good practices, and initiatives related to culture, language learning and social integration among youth to create a sense of common understanding and respect between cultures;
- a blended capacity training for youth workers which improves and develops their competences in intercultural, storytelling and language learning skills and validated through micro-credentials to upgrade their work.

APSES is a non-governmental, not for-profit organisation aiming to create, promote and support any type of structure active in social economy that assure social inclusion of vulnerable groups, combating discrimination and violence, equal access to lifelong learning and education, training and personal development especially for youngsters, women and persons in risk of social marginalisation.
Our objectives are: promoting and supporting the concept and principles of social economy as a flexible and sustainable tool for economic development and creating jobs at regional/local level, promoting and supporting the concept and principles of CSR and responsible corporate behaviour at the level of private companies, supporting individuals, groups, organisations and communities both from urban and rural areas in order to create and develop economic activities that support social excluded persons or persons in risk of social exclusion to
integrate/reintegrate in labour market.
Fondazione Toscana Sostenibile (FTS) is a non-profit organization established in 2002 with the aim of promoting sustainable development models through research and dissemination of knowledge. FTS is convinced that the education in environmental sensitivity must start with young people, to this end, it tries to involve young volunteers in all its dissemination and training activities (European projects and local initiatives). FTS promotes environmental sustainability and participation in civil life, interacting with many political and social personalities, public bodies and schools, involving them in its educational and scientific projects, in order to promote environmental, social and economic quality in Tuscany through education and lifelong learning, in accordance with European, national and regional regulations.
CitizensACT is a newly established Youth NGO aiming to promote active citizenship among all citizens regardless of their age, gender, colour, religion, ethnicity, language or abilities. It supports civic engagement, participation, access and social inclusion thus promoting sustainable development, social change and innovation. Its mission is to motivate and engage all citizens through various types of activities (educational, cultural, environmental, digital, social etc.) in order to improve their competences, upgrade the quality of their life and contribute to the sustainable development of their community while accepting the diversity and multi-culturalism nature. It has a special care for young people, both locals but also with fewer opportunities such as migrants/refugees/disabled whom it aims to reach out, to support and to empower thus minimising
marginalisation and exclusion from the society and the economy. It is achieved through NfL activities, workshops, advocacy, forums etc.